Any and all changes to our four entrances along Cheek Sparger are on hold until a comprehensive plan for the widening of the road is completed.  The City of Colleyville is heading up these negotiations with county, state and Bedford personnel.  Your HOA Board has made our desires for additional flower beds known as well as the need to access water lines and permission to install such beds on City property.  


The City has made significant improvements to the drainage at Ashbury Lane where it intersects Cheek Sparger Rd.  Both East and West sides of Ashbury have had new concrete poured and ADA ramps installed.  The concrete channel on the East side has been widened and sloped so that water running down Ashbury now easily makes its way into to the drainage ditch.  A few adjustments are still needed to stop soil erosion by Public Works is aware.  Many thanks to then Mayor Boyter for making this a priority.


Several residents have been inquiring about what is being done on the drainage issues along Cheek Sparger, plans to repair and stain the perimeter fencing and plans to add flower beds similar to what has been done on the entrances along Cummings Drive.  The short version is that it's complicated.  The property that adjoins the roadway and includes the drainage ditch, the walking path and part of the grassy area are City property; the fence is owned by the HOA.  In addition, any plans we make must take into account the City water line and Oncor power lines that parallel our fence.

The Cheek Sparger perimeter fence was stained and the iron railings painted in late Fall 2020.  Dealing with the ten Bradford Pear trees and beautification is still underway.  We have had many changes in our City government and your Board President is ensuring that our needs are factored into their budget and upcoming projects (of which there are many).  City personnel have seen many photos and videos and walked along the entire westbound  area from Candlewick Court across Ashbury and finally to Buckner Court.  All have observed the path of water after heavy rains and noted where the current drainage channels are ineffective.  A City engineer is involved and plans are in place to work on the worst collection point at Ashbury to move water into the drainage ditch.

Homeowners who reside along the perimeter fence are experiencing heavy run off from their properties, some of which is seeking an outlet under the fencing and undermining the concrete footings that support it.  HOA volunteers have installed gravel and pipes to ease the erosion but it is only temporary and, actually, not legal under city codes.  Once the City work has been completed, an evaluation of those situations will be done and solutions sought to protect both private property, the fencing and City property.  So, on to beautification.  Turns out that we have a couple of show-stopping issues.

  1. First and foremost is that the property outside our perimeter fence is owned by the City of Bedford and we cannot legally do any work on the existing trees or new flowerbeds without their permission.
  2. The City is developing a long-range plan for this and other linear parks that have deteriorated over the years and are looking at available sources of funds.  No timeframe has been given.
  3. There is no readily available source of water as there is along Cummings.
  4. The elevations from Welwyn Way downhill to Buckner Court would require drilling under four city streets and under private property and would be difficult and expensive due to the rocky nature of the land (you can actually see the rock protruding from the hillside).   

When calculating the total expense of multiple city water meters, drilling, materials, equipment rental, licensed plumber and electrician, liability insurance etc. were were looking at funding in excess of $15 thousand.  We do not have that kind of funding but might be able to offer volunteer labor and some monies and can work out a financial plan with the City. 

But don't despair, our Beautification Committee is working on an ideal plan involving Texas Natives and plants that can survive a more arid climate; the design idea is called xeriscaping.  We have shared these ideas with the city as many other municipalities  have used this approach and it would look great with our existing stone entrances.  You might enjoy looking through these photos: 

Xeriscape w/Texas Natives

We'll keep you apprised of our progress and thanks for your patience and understanding.  

Kim Smith - BEHA President

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