When you purchase a home in a neighborhood like ours with a Home Owners Association, you need to be aware that there are Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCRs) that were established when the neighborhood was developed and that have been passed on to the HOA when it was incorporated with the understanding that they will continue to be enforced.  In this way, home values are protected as is the appearance and upkeep of the neighborhood.  CCRs are also referred to as Deed Restrictions and "run with the land".  The are legally binding whether or not you choose to contribute to the upkeep of the common areas of the neighborhood and other projects undertaken by the HOA by paying our Association Fees.  Although Association Fees are voluntary, compliance with the CCRs is not.

Current residents planning to sell their home should make real estate agents and potential buyers aware of these CCRs and HOA bylaws before contracts are signed to avoid any future misunderstandings.  Current HOA Dedicatory Documents such as Bylaws, CCRs, Resolutions, Policies and Guidelines are filed under this tab and governed by state statutes.   Specific Texas law can be found on this link:  https://guides.sll.texas.gov/property-owners-associations

A bit easier to read and comprehensive overview of HOA laws can be found here:  https://www.hopb.co/texas-hoa-questions-and-answers#7

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